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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  October 30, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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-- captions by vitac -- good evening, it's wednesday, october 30th, i'm gasia mikaelian. this is bay area news at 7:00. a charity organization dedicated to helping people down on their luck is in need of help itself tonight after burglars broke into the building and stole construction equipment. new at 7:00, john sasaki is live and shows us how the crooks had to get through layers of security. >> reporter: this a lock they cut through to get in. this building will soon be home
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to the monument crisis center. >> work on rebuilding this old furniture store continued today at a slower pace. it's like robbing a homeless person. everything was secured. >> the monument crisis center had an emergency meeting. >> this is so important to the community and us moving to the new site able to help thousands of contra costa residents, it's critical. >> it wasn't easy. the crook his to breakthrough this heavy gate. then they broke through this door, breaking the knob, and once they got in the building they pried open these two locked containers. electric jackhammers, concrete saws. there was a lot of big name items that we're missing now.
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>> the center which is currently on monument boulevard helps 13,000 families, a food pantry, summer senior program and resources for the poor. none of that stopped the crook. >> there's a large market for secondhand sales for construction tools also at the recycling centers, there's quite a bit of money made on copper wiring. all of this slowed the important work of the center. >> right now we should be serving the public, working on the building, going out and raising the funds. >> reporter: the contractor bought some new tools so the work didn't come to a halt, but most of the tools belonged to individual workers who were not insured now to marin county where the trial of max wade ended late this afternoon with two guilty verdicts. jurors found him guilty of attempted murder and for the
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theft of guy fieri's lam bor beanie lamborghini. wade fired shots at the couple after he tried to impress the girl with the car. the girl's mother released a statement saying she wished max wade put all that effort into the crime into something more positive. five people were injuried this afternoon when a driver -- injury when a driver stole a car and ran a red light? san francisco's richmond neighborhood at gary boulevard and 10th avenue. four vehicles including the stolen honda accord were involved in the crash. the 25-year-old driver was one of the people injured. >> the suspect's in custody right now at san francisco general hospital where he'll be facing charges at least of a stolen vehicle related charges and possibly others depending on the investigation. at least one witness said it appears police were chasing the stolen car but police could not
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confirm. one of the people injured was a pedestrian hit by flying debris. and authorities arrested a driver believed to be under the influence of drug and alcohol. a jaguar crossed the center line of highway 121 near the raceway at about 7:00 last night. the highway patrol says a passenger died in the jaguar. three people in the corolla were hurt, including a 5-year-old girl. it's another lesson about driving under the influence. >> we're disheartented. it motivates us to state, what are we doing, and how are we doing it. >> the driver of the jaguar's identified as 25-year-old chandrada hospitalized in critical condition. and the a burpt close.
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>> and today, valsprings nursing manner fas -- valley springs nursing facility, more than a dozen residents, we have more information about the missing patient. >> he was last seen at the san leandro bart station. mr. bascomb has been a missing person many times in the past for us, so we don't consider him at risk. but the fact that he went missing during this time period is a little bit concerning to us. >> he's one of 14 sick elderly patients after state regulators closed the senior care facility
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last thursday. today, the alameda fire department were called to help a patient but didn't see any notice the buildings closed. >> i suspect we would have started -- they would have started this process sooner than saturday afternoon. >> the fbi is now assisting in the investigation. the owners of the valley springs, hilda and rodelio manual ran another facility on fruitville avenue. new owners took over changing the manner to wood park. 78-year-old john cane recalls what it was like that. we didn't have water. we had no food. >> the new owners described taking over in conditions they described as deplorable. >> we weren't able to use the kitchen until those problems were eliminated. >> sheriff's department says they're still interviewing patients and former staff members and they're asking
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anyone who sees him to please give them a call. rob ross, ktvu channel 2 news. more details now. advocates for the elderly filed a lawsuit today accusing the state of failing to protect those in nursing homes or similar facilities. the group is called foundation aiding the elderly. it says the state takes far too long to investigate complaints and have been warning the state department of public health for a year. >> they have not rectified it. the nursing home industry is not afraid of the industry because of their lacks of duties. there were more than 9,000 complaints. >> and smith has turned himself on felony weapons charges. he immediately posted $75,000 bail and was released as part of an agreement with the santa clara da's office. smith's arrest was delayed because he had been in rehab
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following a dui arrest in september. the weapons charge stem from a house party hosted by smith last year where he was stabbed. smith is set to appear in court in two weeks. prosecutors have their work cut out in a domestic violence case against a former raider and linemen, the ex-boyfriend refused to testify. the san mateo da says the case will proceed. prosecutors plan to use a description provided by the ex-boyfriend during a preliminary hearing. jury selection is underway. opening arguments could begin next week. president obama is hitting the road to defend his healthcare program in the wake of a series of web site issues for healthcare do the goff -- michelle macaluso on the growing criticism.
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>> despite its rocky roll out, these marketplaces will work laws massachusetts has shown that the model works. >> the affordable care act or obamacare was based on the former governor mitt romney. >> all the parade of horribles, the worst predictions about healthcare reform in massachusetts never came true. >> the obama administration has come under fire in recent days after hundreds of thousands of americans received cancelation notices from insurance companies because their individual health plans don't meet minimum standards set by the law. >> people like choices, and as i said, some people want to have chardonnay out of a piece of crystal stem wear and some people want a beer out of a red solo cup. >> they apologized for the botched web site. >> i'm as frustrated and angry
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as anyone with the flawed launch of now security issues are a concern, which could be worse than the technical issues americans have had on the site. >> we found out an end to end test hadn't been had on security, not functionality. >> mitt romney obtained the plan should not be used as a model for the country and this is crafted with bipartisan state. >> fox news. the new head of the university of california system, janet napolitano. not everyone was happy about her visit. members of an emigrants right group are upset with her legacy as the department of homeland security, the record number of deportation. she told us that she'd push for
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more immigration reform as head of homeland security and says she wants high school student tons that the uc system is open to everybody -- students to know that the uc system is open for everybody. >> we're going to do more for all first generation students whether they are documented or undocumented than has ever been done. >> and just in the past five minutes we learned napolitano will earmark $5 million to help students live in the u.s. illegal, special counseling and financial aid. she calls the money a down payment on a commitment to all acdemically qualified students. and a multimillion dollar fine for pg&e's gas line failure. and the massive construction excavators. they've been found. we'll tell you how they were found. >> and how warm it will be in your neighborhood and in your city tomorrow.
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. new developments in a shooting in san leandro. police arrest ed two oakland men. michael breedlove and martin to shoot and until cruz. the arrests of the results of detective work that started at the scene of the shooting on east 14th on october 21st. >> what they started doing is really gather a lot of stuff whether it be videos from neighboring businesses, whether it be reviewing our data on our license plate reader that we have for the vehicle and then also really interviewing witnesses with some lengthy interviews which really led to some really good information. >> both men are being held in the alameda county jail.
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a 47-year-old man is facing charges for a test. the chp found the excavators. the decals were stripped and one was missing a bucket. a witness provided essential information to solve the crime. >> they actually witnessed one of the excavators being stolen and gave a good description of the vehicle. >> there have been at least ten pieces of heavy equipment from bay area construction sites in the past year. people driving across the san mateo bridge will be seeing some pg&e work being done high above the span for the next few months. they're hanging from helicopters as they replace the high capacity electric lines that cross the bay between foster city and hayward, a technique called long lining. >> they'll beery placing all the trans-- be replacing all the lines that run from the
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substation in san mateo to our substation in hayward. it's set to wrap up by the end of the year. >> meantime, pg&e is facing a six and a half million dollar fine. this is after substantial recordkeeping errors were found regarding two bay area pipeline. one is line 147 which runs beneath san carlos. pg and e incorrectly said the pipeline was seamless and didn't contain ark weld. that goes before the california pc in december. we should know before the agreement by bart is rejected or approved friday. 1,400 union workers will vote friday. they expect to release the results by 11 p.m.. the transit union also votes friday including measures to improve worker safety as well as a pay increase. more than 100 workers are losing their job by the
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immigration arm of homeland security. as robert handa reports, out ranged community groups plan a protest demanding ice, back off. >> they were co-workers at palo alto based job after homeland of security found undocumented workers according to the service and employees union. they were given a deadline to clear up the paperwork and when it wouldn't, it fired both women. >> i think of my family and my life because no work, no insurance, i don't know what i can do. >> right now for me, the door just closed. i don't know what i will do tomorrow. >> the two women both have families with children and are dealing with medical situation says that require health insurance. the south bay labor council says
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the audit by ice agency effects more than just these two workers. ice has audited a number of businesses and caused the firing of about 100 workers there. and it's just outrageous. when you're not effecting one person, but a lot of people, family, kids, and life. >> labor groups plan a protest against ice here at caesar chavez park at noon. a spokesperson said it's done to make sure they're complying with the laws. robert handa, ktvu news. residents are asked to be aware of spare the air alerts to avoid burning wood or manufactured fire logs both indoors and outdoors. officials say that wood smoke contains harmful substances and some winter weather condition consist trap that unhealthy smoke -- conditions can trap that smoke near the ground or pay a $100 fine.
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a second violation will cost you $500. i cannot tell you how many times our chief meteorologist is approached in the news room asking about term evening's weather -- tomorrow evening's weather and whether jackets will be needed. >> last year we had rain. the showers were on the goblins. tomorrow as we go into the day, warmer, more sunshine, and it's going to be dry. the satellite shows all the clouds north and east of the area. the radar's spinning. san jose and santa cruz mountains and then out by davis spinning. there's no rain in the area. we had snow isn't mountains yesterday, a foot and a half in higher elevations. cool again tonight. these are the current temperature. 56 in napa, 59 in concord, 62 in livermore. upper 30s, low 40s. 38 in santa rosa. >> look for some patchy fog. i don't think we'll see as much
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as we saw this morning, but we'll see some. sun comes out pretty early. temperatures will warm instead of mid-60s we're going to see mid-8070s70s tomorrow. this is going to show us the temperatures footprint will look like. greens are, in this case, upper 60s, mid-60s. a really nice day tomorrow, warmer than today. warmer still as we go into your bay area friday. mostly sunny thursday and friday. the heat -- warmth is going to be generated from this high pressure so today, nice day, thursday, friday, temperature warm. looks as though temperatures peak out into friday and then they'll cool into the weekend. waking up tomorrow at 47 degrees, 72 degrees for a daytime high in downtown san jose day. it's going to be beautiful day and night. the forecast as we go into the next couple days will be for temperatures to continue to
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warm. 73 in sonoma, 73 in fairfield. east bay temperatures in the mid-70s, low 70s. blue day. santa clara valley, good air quality. in this case, fire danger is not as bad as it could be. this is the time of year for crazy strong offshore winds. no red flag situation. five-day forecast with the bay area weekend in view, a warming trend into friday and saturday temperatures start to trend down. gasia, i'll see you tonight on 10:00 on ktvu. >> thanks bill. it came in over budgeet and took budget and took a lot longer. and we'll show you the boy who got on stage and wouldn't leave. >> keep in mind if you're on the go or away from your tv, can you still watch on your smart phone or tablet. get the app or go to i love watching tv outside.
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nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. ♪ ♪ so, what do you say? thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new cla. set your soul free. a state senator plans an investigation into the span of the bay bridge totaling $6.4 billion and 11 years once the design was chosen. the state senator said his senate committee will uses it subpoena powers if necessary.
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one goal is to find ways to manage big project in the future such as the high speed rail system. and the mayor of san jose is calling on the heads of the california teachers association to sit down and talk about pension reform. mayor chuck reed is planning the ability to cut pensions for government employees. mayor reed says the cost of requirement benefits, and has helped drive some cities into bankruptcy. this calls it an attempt to punish workers for financial woes they play on wall street. >> and division rivals, the los angeles lakers. this is them playing in china. they won their home opener last night. the war years advanced to the second round of the playoffs last year. they say they're eager to take the court and prove last season's playoff success was no
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fluke. it seems like it was love at first sight for a little boy who really stole the show at the vatican over the weekend. this past saturday was family day at the vatican and you see here one young boy leaves to come inspect the pope. he kissed the cross and he kind of wonders off, explores the stage, and then he proceeds to play peak a boo with the pontiff. you see the a little boy ushers others up to meet the pope. turns out this sweet little boy giving the pope a leg hug was adopted more than a year ago by a couple. tonight, we're hearing from top companies in silicone valley at reports that the nsa is tapping their data. its surveillance that includes all of us. keep in mind we're always here
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for you at and on our ktvu app. tmz is up next right here on tv dliks 36.
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>> today on "tmz" -- >> guy fieri was broing down with his hairdresser and things got out of control. >> [bleep] you! >> it was just crazy. >> easy! >> can't use the phrase hair and growing down in the same sentence. >> we have snoop. his son plays varsity high school football. got in a fight he didn't need to. >> he's a young kid. hopefully he learned from it and it will never happen again. >> pretty good. eat weed, so he will calm own. >> d.m.x. and steve wozniak and their worlds are about to collide here. >> d.m.x., this is steve


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